Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How to procrastinate like Leonardo da Vinci

How to procrastinate like Leonardo da Vinci

How to procrastinate like Leonardo da Vinci • Psychology Evolution

How to procrastinate like Leonardo da Vinci • Psychology Evolution: "If there is one conclusion to be drawn from the life of Leonardo, it is that procrastination reveals the things at which we are most gifted — the things we truly want to do. Procrastination is a calling away from something that we do against our desires toward something that we do for pleasure, in that joyful state of self-forgetful inspiration that we call genius."

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Dont you just love October!!

Its rainy, windy and chilly in Ireland. But it is beautiful. The golden leaves cover the streets and get blown everywhere in the wind. I am all snug in my cosy bodywarmer with my cup of hot chocolate.

Pumpkin Soup - another reason to love October!! With Pumpkin in season, there's no better way to serve this veg, than in a soup. Quite simply - I bolied some organic pumpkin wiit with stock and some cinnamon this week - add a dollop of sour cream - it was BEAUTIFUL!!!

Also they run a fantastic Pumpkin Festival in Virginia - I believe Bell X1 are playing tonight!!

Another reason to love October - the chance to dress up for Halloween and go crazy for the night ;-)
Plus it means my birthday is only round the corner - and so is Christmas.

No point being doomy and gloomy - you only get stuck in a rut!! Keep thinking the happy thoughts and keep that smile in between your warm cheeks!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Where is Cleighranmore

Cleighranmore is located in Ballinaglera, Co.Leitrim, Ireland.

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